MS-ICT Portfolio - Program Courses

My Learning Outcomes

Core Outcomes

  • I am able to make recommendations on ICT to a business based on knowledge of current issues and trends in ICT.
    Course: ICT-732 Technology Futures / ICT-733 Technology Adoption and Implications - Fall 2019
    Work Sample Core #1:

    A forecast project on the future of nanotechnology specifically in the medical field (usually referred to as nanomedicine. This is a forecast for the nanomedicine field in the United States by 2029. I’m looking at what is currently going on in the field as well trends, possible advancements and possible setbacks. This project is a showcases the ability to research current technology issues and trends.

    Forcasting Project | Course Reflection
  • I can address how an ICT system may impact society if used incorrectly.
    Course: ICT-733 Technology Adoption and Implications - Spring 2019
    Work Sample Core #2:

    This is a report on the country of China and how they have advanced in the world of technology and industry. This report showcases the impact on their environment and quality of life these advancements have had and the consequences brought on by not using this technology responsibly.

    How We Got to Now Report | Course Reflection
  • When faced with a business problem I can analyze to determine if there is an ICT solution that will best eliminate the problem. I can then develop and apply the solution.
    Course: ICT-701 Information and Communication Technologies in Organizations - Spring 2021
    Work Sample Core #3:

    This is a white paper outlining the need for basic computer literacy training in the workforce for my current employer and a path to get there.

    Lack of Basic Computer Literacy | Course Reflection
  • By knowing and understanding security policies for ICT systems, I can create security guidelines to ensure safe practices of business units.
    Course: CNIT-583 Introduction to Network Security - Spring 2021
    Work Sample Core #4:

    This example is of a corporate security policy I wrote for an enterprise level business. Taken from research of several corporate network policies to come up with solid policy guidelines for corporate network security.

    Corporate Network Security Policy Guidelines | Course Reflection
  • I am able to conduct research by thorough analysis to evaluate the pros and cons of an ICT learning system to conclude if it is the correct implementation for the business unit.
    Course: ICT-710 Learning Technologies - Summer 2018
    Work Sample Core #5:

    This research paper is a comprehensive research comparison of traditional vs technology-based learning methods.

    In the context of this paper traditional refers primarily to class room instruction and technology-based would be any digitally recorded means of communication without really focusing as much on face-to-face training through platforms like Zoom, Teams or webinars.

    Technology-based Employee Training | Course Reflection

Emphasis Outcomes

  • I have a strong working knowledge of both general networking and Cisco networks.
    Course: CNIT-641 Scalable Internetworks - Fall 2020
    Work Sample Emphasis #1:

    Challenge labs are labs that list tasks to be completed to test your ability to complete the network configurations presented in the lab. This artifact of work is the final challenge lab for this course of Cisco Enterpise level (CCNP) course work with a score of 100%.

    Challenge Lab | Course Reflection
  • I understand the importance of cybersecurity in industry and know the best practices to prevent network breaches. I also understand how to implement these best practices and the ramifications of not doing so.
    Course: CNIT-500 CybersecurityOperations - Summer 2020
    Work Sample Emphasis #2:

    This is a paper outlining the importance and effects of cybersecurity in the field of power generation in the United States. It details some past events and what has been done to prevent these occurrences from happing again.

    Cypersecurity in Power Generation | Course Reflection
  • I have a technical overview of the Linux operating system, including: hands-on experience with commands, files, services and tools.
    Course: CNIT 501 Linux Systems & NetworkAdministration - Summer 2021
    Work Sample Emphasis #3:

    Linux is a major player in computer networking and plays a vital role with implementations loaded on servers, desktops as well as mobile devices like Android. 98% of web servers use Linux, which may be why it is a major platform for hackers of both the black and white hat variety. This certification shows that I have a strong functional knowledge of the Linux operating system.

    Linux Certification | Course Reflection
  • I have the skills necessary to design various networks such as LANs, WANS and MANS and switching efficiently and securely.
    Course: CNIT-582 Network Systems Design - Fall 2020
    Work Sample Emphasis #4:

    This work sample is a project proposal for a case study that involves designing a network for a multilevel manufacturing enterprise. It incorporates LANs, SD-WAN topologies as well as IPv6 implementation, Wi-Fi, IoT, Budget and work schedule as well as description of equipment to be used.

    Case Study | Course Reflection
  • I am knowledgeable of basic security configurations of network switches, routers, and firewalls.
    Course: CNIT-583 Introduction to NetworkSecurity - Spring 2021
    Work Sample Emphasis #5:

    This CCNA (Cisco Certified Network Associate) level lab is a comprehensive lab requiring the basic security configurations as well as security protocols to be configured on Cisco network model 2960 switches, model 1941 routers and a Cisco ASA model 5505 firewall. As well as using the command line interface (CLI) and the Adaptive Security Device Manager (ASDM) to implement these settings.

    Lab Overview | Course Reflection
Knowing is not enough; We must apply. Willing is not enough; We must do.

–Bruce Lee