Core Outcome #1

Learner Outcome statement

I make recommendations on ICT to a business based on knowledge of current issues and trends in ICT.


What I Learned

Through the research for this project, I learned to evaluate not only studies and test that are conducted in the name of research, but to also look critically at the motives of those doing the study to ensure that the results are unbiased. Additionally, I was able to forecast the possibility of several outcomes or “futures” for a given technology based on current trends by factoring in possible setbacks as well as possibilities.

How I Learned it

Through course information I began to develop a critical eye as I did the research for this project and after reading many articles and findings, I became better at evaluating the motives, if any that were behind the research. This helped to find information that was unbiased and would help me forecast more realistic futures.

How I Will Apply It

These skills will help me to evaluate and make accurate recommendations of how a particular technology system will impact an industry.

Learner Outcomes

Core Outcome #2

Learner Outcome statement

I can address how an ICT system may impact society if used incorrectly.


What I Learned

While this was not the only research I did for this class, this report really shows an example of how technology affects social trends and the overall impact it has on societies. Based on the research this program required, I have learned much on how technology has changed our society and therefore our lives and have gained insight into how it could continue to impact us. In creating this report I learned that not only does a country or person’s culture affect their perspective on the impacts of technology, but there are also generational biases at work as well. The impact is seen differently by different generations. Through this program I can now analyze the potential changes that a given technology may or may not have on our society and the culture of a particular industry.

How I Learned it

I gained much insight on disruptive technologies through the reading and research. Some were possibilities that introduced that seem “futuristic” while some were historic that at the time no one may have thought much about the impact it would have on society. As I began to see how technology like the printing press for instance, affected so much and how technology like AI could potentially affect so much, it became easier to understand how disruptive technology can be.

How I Will Apply It

Through this program I can now analyze the potential changes that a given technology may or may not have on our society and the culture of a particular industry and not just on how it affects production.

Learner Outcomes

Core Outcome #3

Learner Outcome statement

When faced with a business problem I can analyze to determine if there is an ICT solution that will best eliminate the problem. I can then develop and apply the solution.


What I Learned

This class started off with a personality assessment to help identify strengths and weaknesses in my leadership style and moved on to understanding the leadership vs management paradigm and into understanding how to merge leadership styles for maximum effectiveness in handling issues and addressing needs. Additionally, we were task with identifying a need in our current organization and how we would move to address it.

How I Learned it

Much of this course was based on the book “That’s Not How We Do It Here”. It gave insights on leadership concepts through a simple story. While it was a small book and easy to read it provided a unique perspective that I had not considered on blended leadership.

How I Will Apply It

I can more easily look at problems with a growth mindset and see them more as opportunities that many can be solved with some creative thinking. This allows me to think outside the box and include innovative technology were needed.

Learner Outcomes

Core Outcome #4

Learner Outcome statement

By knowing and understanding security policies for ICT systems, I can create security guidelines to ensure safe practices of business units.


What I Learned

While researching and learning what was needed to write a corporate security policy, I basically went through what is considered the best practices for network security in a corporate environment from and end users’ perspective. While some of the topics covered items that only IT professionals would be dealing with, such as server security and change management, most of the topics were things like email policies, remote access, and software licensing that many users don’t consider but could have serious consequences for the company that employs them.

How I Learned it

By evaluating some network security policies from several different companies and organizations, I was able to pull together a comprehensive policy to cover the most important areas of network security for corporations. However, even though most corporate policies cover the same areas, some are better outlined or have different requirements withing a section that is important to them.

How I Will Apply It

Having become more familiar with these policies I will be able to better relay best practices to end users while performing my job and will also be able to evaluate current policies to identify weaknesses that may need to be addressed.

Learner Outcomes

Core Outcome #5

Learner Outcome statement

I am able to conduct research by thorough analysis to evaluate the pros and cons of an ICT learning system to conclude if it is the correct implementation for the business unit.


What I Learned

Through this research, I learned that when implemented properly, technology-based learning is a much better method of content delivery than the traditional method. Evaluation/analysis of the delivery method need to be made to ensure the content will be effective for those that need it.

I found there are several challenges that must be overcome. One is that it is a paradigm shift from the tried-and-true traditional method that so many of us grew up with that make acceptance of anything else difficult. The second obstacle is that the technology must be simple enough to be implemented and advanced enough to be effective. However, with training a small amount of repetition, participants become more comfortable with this delivery system and become more receptive to it.

How I Learned it

Not only did extensive research of articles and periodicals play a major part in getting the facts about online or digital learning but designing a course to deliver a program also gave perspective to the subject. Additionally, by participating in online learning I have a hands-on perspective.

How I Will Apply It

By understanding what is needed to make this type of informational content delivery system work and be effective, I would apply this for continued education in the workplace were possible. This would not only help the users learn better but would provide long-term cost saving to the company year after year.

Learner Outcomes

Emphasis Outcome #1

Learner Outcome statement

I have a strong working knowledge of Cisco networks and networking in general.


What I Learned

This is an advanced Cisco networking course that continues to build on the previous prerequisite course work that I did with the basic Cisco networking fundamentals I and II courses. It continued to go deeper into networking protocols currently being used in the industry. Additionally, advanced topics in areas such as wi-fi, introducing additional router protocols as well as advancing trends from overlay networks to network automation and virtualization are concepts I covered.

How I Learned it

To learn this material, I read the accompanying book as well as utilizing video series on LinkedIn Learning and from the class instructor as well as the many labs that were required. One of these labs are linked on the learning outcomes page and here.

How I Will Apply It

While this was a challenging program, I was able to advance my understanding of networking beyond the basic level and will be able to apply these concepts when faced with networking issues. It will also help me to be a subject matter expert for engineering projects in an industrial or enterprise setting.

Learner Outcomes

Emphasis Outcome #2

Learner Outcome statement

I understand the importance of cybersecurity in industry and know the best practices to prevent network breaches. I also understand how to implement these best practices and the ramifications of not doing so.


What I Learned

I only knew some basic network security information before but now I have been exposed to some to network security monitoring and exploits that can happen. I feel I am beginning to gain a much broader understanding of network security. While I haven’t completely accomplished my goals, I feel I am well on the way. Now knowing how to get there.

How I Learned it

This program involved not only a lot of reading material like the networking classes, but also involved some interactive labs that proved to not only be challenging but also interesting and fun. I had the opportunity to use hacking tools without any legal or ethical ramifications. This helped to know what to guard against and how some protocols and systems work to combat them.

How I Will Apply It

I will be able to use this course as a foundation to build on as I continue to learn more in the area of network assurance and security, but it also gave me training and information that I can use in any IT related role.

Learner Outcomes

Emphasis Outcome #3

Learner Outcome statement

I have a technical overview of the Linux operating system, including: hands-on experience with commands, files, services and tools.


What I Learned

This class focuses on network administration through the use of a Linux distribution in the areas of Command Line, Storage Device Management, File System Management, Boot Configuration, Process Management, User and Group Management, User Access Management and Network and Print Configuration Management.

How I Learned it

This course utilized a very good online program for a part of it using TestOut. This was a comprehensive program that utilized video, lab demonstrations, quizzes and performance based labs and performance based exams. In addition to the TestOut curriculum there were 20 labs that had to be performed on a virtual Linux machine as well as a graduate project. For me it was adding a Linux distribution called Astrerisk to create a PBX on a Raspberry Pi computer. You can find that project here.

How I Will Apply It

This will be a course that I can use in many areas both at home and work.

One thing I look forward to doing is to set up my own server at home with virtual machines for SSH tunneling, Proxy server, NAS, PBX and more. I would like to eventually set up a small data center for web hosting and cloud storage for small businesses.

Learner Outcomes

Emphasis Outcome #4

Learner Outcome statement

I have the skills necessary to design various networks such as LANs, WANS, and MANS efficiently and securely.


What I Learned

This course gave me the opportunity to put together much of what I have learned in networking as well as being able to learn more about putting compatible hardware together. Thinking through the process of designing a network from the ground up for various types and sizes of businesses helped me gain a big-picture concept of networking as opposed to learning a segregated piece as in most classes. It also gave me the opportunity to expand my knowledge of PCI and HIPPA compliance as those were considerations that had to be made in the design as well.

How I Learned it

These projects involved working as a team much like a design firm would work. Collaboration and division of responsibilities help to gain a strong understanding of the concepts. I was able to take a deep dive into the area that I had and learn from what others did as well. As the team leader of this group it was my responsibility to ensure we stayed on schedule and that everyone had what they needed to get their deliverables on time and to ensure no one was overwhelmed by their piece of the project.

How I Will Apply It

In addition to having a broader understanding of how an enterprise network is and should be set up, I will be able to use this as a catalyst to implement my own small datacenter and/or home network.

Course Reflection

Emphasis Outcome #5

Learner Outcome statement

I am knowledgeable of basic security configurations of network switches, routers, and firewalls.


What I Learned

This course was a Cisco security course that centered around firewall configuration including Access Control List using a GUI interface as well as CLI (command line interface). It also covered the subjects of security threats including hacker tools and the basics of good network security, configuring VPNS and best practices for securing network devices like routers and switches.

How I Learned it

The part of the course that could be considered the textbook was through The Cisco Networking Academy course on network security. In addition to the extensive reading and interactive challenges and videos presented in the material there were videos from the instructor as well as around 17 labs to work through.

How I Will Apply It

This course provides a solid foundation of network security. Some of the material will benefit anyone working in the networking or IT field in almost any capacity. The firewall configuration can help with datacenter or enterprise level configuration. Troubleshooting a network is easier when understanding how security affects different protocol traffic traversing a firewall and how switches may be locked down preventing otherwise expected results. I have already experienced both of these in my current role as an IT Specialist.

Learner Outcomes